feelin' fine at the vine


Thanks for finding your way to our "About Us" page, where, generally speaking, one might find an articulation of vision & values, a few missional objectives & accomplishments and maybe some theological propositions that communicate the vibe of the place (or help you determine whether it passes muster). If that happens to be what you were looking for, we will most likely let you down (gently). Whatever we lack in terms of certainty we hope is made up for in curiosity. We hope also that you read on and join us in a life-long conversation held between silences. We hope you feel the elation of letting go only to discover a Love that holds and has always held you. "We are grasped by what we cannot grasp," wrote Rilke. There is not a single one of us that is beyond the reach of love, because, "the kingdom of heaven is within you." This life is a slow returning to a place we have never actually left. And we are all just walking each other home.

yeah, Elijah -
what are we doing here?

pay attention ...

...love is all...